Our name comes from Sarah Treverbian Prideaux (1853-1933),
an early female bookbinder from England.
Emily Clark Victorson received degrees from Oberlin College and the University of Michigan. She then moved to the Chicago area, where she lived for over thirty years. She worked as a librarian, historian, and book designer for such organizations as the Newberry Library, the Chicago History Museum, and History Works, Inc.
In 2009 she founded Allium Press of Chicago, a small press that published fiction with a Chicago connection for over twelve years.
Since 2017 she has worked as a freelance editor, book designer, and publishing consultant
with clients on both works of fiction and non-fiction.
In 2019 she was named to Newcity magazine’s “Lit 50: Who Really Books in Chicago.”
In 2022 she relocated to Michigan.